Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Talk!!!

Tonight's has NOTHING to with wine. I said in my first post that we will talk about wine mostly, but we will also talk about life, family, friends, on and on and on right? So off we go!

I feel like my best ideas come when I can't get a wink of sleep. Jenna, my wife, bless her can fall asleep within minutes of hittin the pillow. Not me, lemme tell ya, it's 1:27am on a Tuesday night, a work night much less and I am rockin out to Glen Phillips, Counting Crows and many other cool musicians that I imagine have done, or ARE doing the same as me right now.

You know how everyone is on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter... Shoot you name it, people are active on it, myself included! So the thing is when you write a blog about wine, how many people do you think actually read your blog? In my case because I am just starting, I'm gonna say about 5 people hahahahahaha!!! That's funny! But I think the social networks out there are so valuable. I mean look at Facebook for instance, did you ever think that you would be able to know what a high school friend of yours living in another state was up to? Ten years ago that just wasn't the case. And most people didn't care. But now everyone knows what everyone else is doing all the time. Now this isn't always a good thing right? But for the most part it is a great concept. Okay, I'm getting to a point here stay with me....
Social networks also give you commerce that a decade ago you wouldn't have had. Let me tell you what got me started on blogging. About two years ago I started watching this wine videoblog called WineLibrary tv. Gary Vaynerchuck is the host, and a damn good one at that. Gary also just recently wrote a book called "Crush It". But until about four or five years ago, or something like that nobody outside the New Jersey/New York area really knew a whole lot about Gary. Now, he is a social media icon. If he can do it, why can't everyone? All it takes is good content, which tonight seems to be a stuggle and a ramble at the same time for me.

But what I am getting at is when you read this, what does it make you think about? And, why doesn't everyone write what's on thier minds? If you aren't a writer, I understand. I happen to be into it a little bit.

When you have too much stuff on your mind what do you do to get it all out? Tell me your thoughts. Tell me your ideas... I wanna know!!! I'm really interested!!

As the title says.... Let's Talk!!!

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