Friday, November 13, 2009

Okay, so it has been like FOREVER!!! since my last post. But, I have been staying REALLY busy since then. So no excuses but anyway. Just a couple things tonight since it's been so long, I will kinda tell you all what I have been up to.

As you all may or may not know based on whether you are friends with me on Twitter or Facebook, and that is that I have made a move in my career. I left one wine company, a three tiered company. Meaning, Winery/Vineyard, Importer, and Distributor. To join a LARGE company that distributes wines and spirits. And since then, have been doing my homework on the wines, protocol and all that stuff that my new job demands. So, sorry!

But some good stuff has come from it. I was at a tasting last Saturday (11/7/2009) at the MGM Detroit, it consisted of over 116 wines, yes boys and girls that's right 116 wines. Don't worry I didn't actually drink em all. I am a professional here. At least I would like to think so. hahaha. I have been doing what I firmly believe everyone that drinks wine should do, and that is EXPANDING my pal. (Expanding my palate) Tasting wines from Bulgaria, Greece, Isreal, Lebenon and so on. WOW, some really good stuff and some REALLY BAD stuff. But it's all about expanding the pal right? Anyway, it was for a charity and it was fun to be at this tasting with some major players in the wine industry. It was fun to say the least. And, I learned some stuff too that I will pass onto you guys as I post.

Then, the following Monday, I did a tasting for Chef Craig Common at the Common Grill in Chelsea. That was great! 150 people showed up for it, and it was fun. Again lots of great wines, but more consumer friendly this time. Cabs, Merlot, Riesling, all that good stuff.

So, that's what I have been up to lately, anyone have any questions, please feel free to ask ANYTHING!!!

To that I say....
Enjoy your friends, enjoy your family, enjoy life and the wines your drink from day to day. But enjoy the wines responsibly! Cheers!

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