Sunday, November 15, 2009

Turkey Wine!!!

So, the question I always get is what wines go with turkey? The general and safe answer that I always HAVE to give is Gewurztraminer, or Riesling, something a tad sweet. But the truth is, there is SO much more out there that goes well with all the fixings. One that almost always goes overlooked is Zinfandel. Yes, that's right, Zinfandel. A good fruit forward Zinfandel is perfect with a big full turkey dinner. A personal recommendation that I would make is to go out and if you have some money to spend get the Segehsio "Rock Pile" Zinfandel. I know I said I wouldn't recommend wines on my blog, but there you go, I broke my own rule. But the reason I did is because year in and year out Segehsio produces a top notch Zin. This particular Zinfandel that I mention, the "Rock Pile" label is especially good for turkey dinner, and that is because it is a FRUIT BOMB, meaning majorly fruit forward with a terrific mouthfeel to accompany a mostly DRY turkey.

But if you want to go safe also go with the Auslese Rieslings, or Gewurztraminers. I am a Riesling person in many other facets than just Thanksgiving. I myself feel that riesling is one of my favorite varietals. This is because riesling is SO versitile.

But if you are going for a wine with a little spice to it, definately go with gewurztraminers. Either is a safe choice though.

Okay so if you are looking for a wine that is sorta off the charts GREAT for thanksgiving dinner providing an answer to each and every nuance of flavor from Thanksgiving dinner, you're gonna have to do some searching. But if you are up to it, you want to look for a SPARKLING DRY SHIRAZ. I know what you're saying... "What? shiraz??? To that I answer yes, shiraz. But it HAS to be sparkling. If it isn't than skip it.

Some other wines that are good are the obvious ones as well, Pinot Noir and stuff like that. My overall recommendation is to have a little of each, try each with a different course. After all, isn't Thanksgiving supposed to be a culinary masterpiece? hahahaha, I thought so!

Anyway, I know I wrote the Thanksgiving blog a little early but it gives you your time to go seek out some fabulous wines, and that sparkling shiraz. Go ask your local wine steward if he or she can point you in the right direction.

In my next post we are going to talk about the Rhone, and specifically Chateauneuf Du Pape 2007 vintage. Because if you have any interest in wine at all you can't ignore this. There are actually some 100 point scores in this vintage of CDP!!! Anyway, we'll talk about it.

Everyone have a great week!

Enjoy your friends, enjoy your family, enjoy life and the wines your drink from day to day. But enjoy the wines responsibly! Cheers!

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